Donate now to help a child set sail on a new adventure

Your gift helps change the course of a young life

Donate now to help a child set sail on a new adventure image


raised towards $75,000 goal



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Your gift helps change the course of a young life

Creating CONFIDENCE on the Water and in Life

Youth Sailing Foundation of Indian River County doesn't just teach sailing, we teach children how to believe in themselves. Through skills developed at YSF, a child goes from self-doubt and uncertainty to self-confidence and "I can do it!"

They begin to become masters on the water, understand the power of perseverance, the value of teamwork, and the worth of courage. These skills not only help them succeed on the Indian River Lagoon, but in life.

Youth Sailing Foundation provides FREE sailing instruction to the youth of Indian River County, but our children come away with so much more. A sense of adventure that will last a lifetime, competence that builds confidence, and a new-found appreciation for themselves. Your support of Youth Sailing Foundation gives a child gifts that will last a lifetime!